
Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

Create Resistance or Creative Acceptance

Resistance is not a new word, but for many of us awareness of resistance is new. In Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, resistance is defined: "to withstand, to strive against, to exert force in opposition, to counteract, defeat or frustrate."

Resistance is useful if there is a flu or virus around. If your body's immune system is working as it should, you'll have good "resistance to disease"--you'll stay healthy. Resistance to the temptation to do something that goes against your core values will strengthen you, while giving into that temptation will weaken your character. 

Resistance can be an indicator that something isn't quite right for you, at this time. It's good to notice resistance and to ask yourself, "Why am I experiencing this resistance?" 

There's another side to resistance. The other side of resistance destroys the very thing that we desire. This resistance arises from a dislike for change. Humans are sort of strange in that we offer a desire to the Universe, and then we resist the very changes this desire sets in motion. For example, when I offered my desire to become financially independent, I didn't realize that the answer would come in the shape of loss of income from my former spouse. But it did. When I asked for financial independence I had a different scenario in mind that went something like this:  "My business income will increase steadily until it reaches a certain amount, then the spousal support can decrease." 

The Universe responded to my desire--just not as I had expected--and I resisted the change. The Universe knew that in order to become independent I had to first BE independent. I wanted the security of spousal income, but that emotional dependence on an outside source was holding me back from independence.

I find it easier to accept change when I have initiated it. When someone else initiates change that affects me, my first reaction is to resist. However, the Law of Attraction teaches that everything that touches my life is the result of some vibration in me. It may be a vibration I don't like. It may be a subtle vibration I pay little attention to. It may be a vibration that has gone underground--like anger or hurt that I did not acknowledge at the time I first experienced it.

Emotions are "energy in motion." When we try to suppress an emotion (especially one we've judged as negative or dangerous) it does not go away, it goes into our subconscious mind where it silently sabotages our life by setting up resistance which invites more negative experiences and creates tension between people who used to enjoy each other. 

"The greatest disintegrating element in the human consciousness is resistance." ~Charles Fillmore, The Revealing Word, 1931

Resistance doesn't just put on the brakes to receiving our desires--Resistance disintegrates; it separates; it decomposes; it fragments our True Self. We lose our sense of wholeness. We feel disconnected from Source (God, the Divine). This disconnection begins to show up in how we feel about ourselves and how we relate to others. Soon, we are quarreling with our best friend and blaming them for the situation. Sound familiar?

What can we do about resistance?  Is there an alternative?  Should we resist resistance? That doesn't work. If we notice resistance and try to suppress it or resist it--we create MORE!

The alternative is acceptance. Not resignation, but creative acceptance. I teach the history of the Law of Attraction and it's interesting to note that in the Middle Ages there was a great persecution of anyone who held a philosophical belief that differed from that defined by political and religious authorities. People who understood the Law of Attraction, those individuals who maintained their personal power through controlling their thoughts and emotions, were faced with a serious choice: either resist the powers-that-be and die; comply with the demands of the aggressors, and deny themselves; or be creative. In that case, many practitioners of metaphics (the Law of Attraction) simply moved to Arabia where they found freedom to live their beliefs in an integral way.

Change is bound to happen. People are going to make choices which affect our lives. We are going to make choices which have an effect on others. Charles Handy said, "Change is the only constant." How we handle change--invited or uninvited--will affect our vibration and in turn, our quality of life.

Take a few moments to notice resistance in your body, mind or emotions. What does it feel like? Restriction?  Tightness? Blockage? Frustration? Confusion? Judgment?  Indignation? Yes, all those feelings are the evidence of resistance. 

When I'm noticing resistance, I ask my Higher Self for understanding and a creative acceptance. My prayer will be something like this:  "Please show me the root of my resistance and at the same time, give me an idea of how to creatively accept this situation."

The bottom line is:  Change is going to happen. I'm either going to create resistance or acceptance. Once choice contributes to the disintegration of my character and the other strengthens my sense of wholeness. It's my choice.

Senin, 14 Januari 2013

Are you truly living the life you want to live?

Some of the things people most desire to have, or to improve in their life are money, a loving relationship, a successful job, great health, nice house, and a new car. Most people just dream about these things, but never actually obtain them. What people don’t realize is that all of these things can be theirs through the power of manifestation

Manifesting ones desires is a science. There are laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of nothing. Once these laws are complied with, anyone can make their dreams a reality. This may seem very unbelievable to some, but the truth is it’s very real. 

The Law of Abundance- Everything you desire begins in your mind and it is the mind that brings these thoughts to life. Your outer state of being is the manifestation of your thought. Therefore, to obtain the things you desire, you have to first set your mind to it. Vital self-empowerment skills will help you mentally transform a thought into a material manifestation. You will learn how to change your expectations in order to change your life. We live in a Universe of abundance, although most others appear to view it as a Universe of scarcity. Thoughts such as others are more talented, more deserving, and more gifted than you only hinder you from living abundantly. If you are possess these same thoughts, don’t worry, there is hope for you! You can learn skills to activate self-actualizing power through these Laws to live with wealth, financial freedom, and success.

Abundance does not mean mere accumulation of material wealth. Happiness, peace of mind, harmony, optimal health, being in loving relationships, and having a strong sense of your True Self are also part of this universal abundance. This abundance comes into a person's life only when he facilitates its free flow from him and through him. There are also other ways to increase abundance in your life. Add time to your day, simplify, or make a difference in the world.  For example, volunteer work and meditation are good ways to increase abundance. Be more open-minded and open to new possibilities. Try to only surround yourself with positive influences such as people and things.

Take control of your thoughts and start manifesting your desires today!

An Obvious Manifestation Secret

There is a well known and very much overlooked ‘secret’ that Master Manifestors use continuously. It is a very basic, simple component that sets in motion all that exists in the human world. We all know it is real and absolutely necessary. Yet the vast majority of people do their level best to avoid it. 

Without this ‘secret’, all dreams, hopes, wishes and well intentioned goals will remain in a keepsake box stuffed under the bed. The box will be pulled out on rainy afternoons, and its carefully saved articles dusted off and cherished once more. Some time will be spent in pondering potential possibilities, and hopefulness will expire. Great wistfulness will settle over its guardian, and with a tired resolve, the goals, ambitions and really serious potential will be carefully put to rest once more.

The real definition of potential, to put it politely, is ‘worth nothing as it sits right now’. Goals, dreams, wishes, hopes and desire have only potential without the obvious secret that can only lead to manifestation. Not worth a darn right now. There is little so common in the world as latent potential. But add the magic ingredient, and your desires will become manifest before your eyes. Pour a viscous, electric blue liquid into your keepsake box, and it will empty itself into your real world.

This secret, magic ingredient is commonly known as ‘action’. Git’r done, get it on, go, just do it, start, ACTION. This is a billion dollar concept that gifted speakers devote entire seminars to. 

All desires must begin their journey into manifestation somewhere. All things already exist, but you must accept them, or go get them. You must actively allow results to happen. Take action, and get what it is you want.

Consider a sated, comfortable diner sitting after dinner at a lavish restaurant buffet. All he wanted to eat waits in shiny serving dishes. He tremendously wishes for a piece of delicious pie, but has none. Magnificent fresh pie is only across the room. Does he really want the pie itself, or is the activity of wanting pie more fun? Which will be more satisfying, wanting the desire, or fulfilling the desire? What will it take to fulfill this dream? In the diner’s case, the monumental undertaking of getting up and taking the pie will satisfy a craving. 

Lose the potential, and take the action. Start and the path to success will unfold in front of you as you walk upon it. The pathway will continue as long as you wish to travel, but you must take that first step. Desire all you want, but without actually doing something about it, the reality will never manifest itself in front of you, and remain a wistful keepsake stuffed under the bed in a box.

Take action, start, and your path will reveal itself to you. Action.

By Kelly Archibald